Surfing, Travel and Sunsets on 35mm film.

My happy place sits along coastlines, surf spots and sunsets over palm trees and dry climates.

My favourite part about shooting film photography is the element of surprise. The anticipation of the results and those incredible experimental ‘accidents’ that bring forward images you couldn’t imagine achieving with intention. Sometimes, I forget about film I have shot and years later I find it and develop it, only to bring my heart back to some of my favourite moments. Below are some snapshots during some of my most memorable moments before and during Covid lockdowns. Driving to Sidi Kaouki. A weekend trip to Athens, Greece. Surfing in Imsouane with friends and lockdown in the countryside of Essaouira, Morocco. Photos are taken with Kodak & Fujifilm on a Pentax 35mm camera.


Shadows at Habitat 67